

Ines Hennemann

Ines Hennemann

Twine Project 3. Semester - Possession

Twine Project
3. Semester

Explore my game prototypes from the
first three Semesters of my Game Art and Design study at HBK Essen.
The first Semester Project was a desktop walking Simulator with autobiographical Elements. The second semester Prototype was a mobile game focussed on mechanics, scripting and animation and the third semester prototype was a VR- and a team project, where I mainly focussed on environmental Design, Worldbuilding and Concept.

I created the Twine prototype "Possession" during our storytelling course last semester. In this game, you slip into the role of a Wall Street stock price analyst, and you do average work at best. But things will change with you getting access to a stock price predicting AI.
Since I wanted to create a storytelling game with nearly every decision having consequences for the further course of events, I had to be very careful scripting all the links and texts to fit each possible scenario. I also created voiceover scripts and directed a synchronizer for training.

Blood Pact - Narrative Design

Blood Pact
Narrative Design

Blood Pact was one of the two game designs I created to apply for the game design programme at HBK Essen. Since I always had a soft spot for storytelling I also created some narrative content here. I have tried to interpret the core theses of Victor Frankl's "Man´s search for meaning" in an accessible game design. I decided to design a Point-and-Click adventure with dogs as acting figures, because I wanted to lighten up the rather dark topic and keep it entertaining, while transporting the messages sumbliminally.

Blood Pact was one of the two game designs I created to apply for the game design programme at HBK Essen. Since I always had a soft spot for storytelling I also created some narrative content here. I have tried to interpret the core theses of Victor Frankl's "Man´s search for meaning" in an accessible game design. I decided to design a Point-and-Click adventure with dogs as acting figures, because I wanted to lighten up the rather dark topic and keep it entertaining, while transporting the messages sumbliminally.

Synchronize - Narrative Design

Narrative Design

Synchronize was the other game designs I created to apply for the game design programme at HBK Essen. The design was created at the time when the first major films and games about parallel dimensions were being released. Embedded in this major theme, I wanted to build a story that also deals with questions of decision-making and justification. The scenery would have been a waterworld-inspired futuristic earth, where people live under huge domes of glass, strongly competing about ressources between the domes.

Synchronize was the other game designs I created to apply for the game design programme at HBK Essen. The design was created at the time when the first major films and games about parallel dimensions were being released. Embedded in this major theme, I wanted to build a story that also deals with questions of decision-making and justification. The scenery would have been a waterworld-inspired futuristic earth, where people live under huge domes of glass, strongly competing about ressources between the domes.