Lost in Mind

Lost in Mind

Ines Hennemann

Ines Hennemann

Lost in Mind - Gameplay Trailer

Lost in Mind
Gameplay Trailer

Lost in Mind
Gameplay Trailer

The 1st semester prototype was supposed to be an autobiographic walking simulator. As my studies at the HBK Essen are already my second degree, many memories of my first degree came back to me at the beginning. I used this prototype to reflect on my time at the Ruhr University Bochum and my aim was to make these experiences emotionally and playfully accessible to others.

The 1st semester prototype was supposed to be an autobiographic walking simulator. As my studies at the HBK Essen are already my second degree, many memories of my first degree came back to me at the beginning. I used this prototype to reflect on my time at the Ruhr University Bochum and my aim was to make these experiences emotionally and playfully accessible to others.

Lost in Mind - General Concept

Lost in Mind
General Concept

Lost in Mind
General Concept

One of the first things I remembered, was how often I got lost in the concrete Maze, the RUB is. Also, the question came to my mind, if my time there was an errant path, so the maze shape was one of the first things that were pretty clear for me. However, I enjoyed my first degree, so I wanted my maze to feel cozy. I also wanted to implement, that my time there was not the mentioned errant path, and that my horizon grew. Therefore the player begins in a low chamber of interests and after the maze steps out into the uncovered garden of enlightenment

Explore my game prototypes from the
first three Semesters of my Game Art and Design study at HBK Essen.
The first Semester Project was a desktop walking Simulator with autobiographical Elements. The second semester Prototype was a mobile game focussed on mechanics, scripting and animation and the third semester prototype was a VR- and a team project, where I mainly focussed on environmental Design, Worldbuilding and Concept.

Lost in Mind - 3D Modelling

Lost in Mind
3D Modelling

Lost in Mind
3D Modelling

I made my first steps in blender and unity working on this prototype. I have to admit, that due ot my lack of experience, I totally underestimated the time it takes to generate assets. Therefore some of the planned elements of my maze remained in a grayboxing state. I spend a lot of time planning and building the maze - elements and actually learned a lot about how to better not design a maze in video games. I made all the assets and textures for the prototype myself, the only thing I downloaded was the sound and music from weloveindies.

I made my first steps in blender and unity working on this prototype. I have to admit, that due ot my lack of experience, I totally underestimated the time it takes to generate assets. Therefore some of the planned elements of my maze remained in a grayboxing state. I spend a lot of time planning and building the maze - elements and actually learned a lot about how to better not design a maze in video games. I made all the assets and textures for the prototype myself, the only thing I downloaded was the sound and music from weloveindies.

Lost in Mind - Final Leveldesign

Lost in Mind
Final Leveldesign

Lost in Mind
Final Leveldesign

As already said, the final leveldesign was way too ambtious, but the concept was pretty strong. The Player starts in the narrow Chamber of Interests, that displays the many things I loved, but barely knew something about. From there he steps into a dark tunnel, representing the unknown that comes with the choice after high school. The brain maze represents my study time. It is both a metaphor for stepping into my mind and for studying neurobiology, as this was my first degree. I took a lot of time generating walls that did not look gross but kind of cozy. The Yellow shining spots represent the working neurons within the brain tissue (and I would have loved to have them animated) and are supposed to transport the cozy feeling. The library is the highest room within the (approximately) brain-shaped maze, as a place for learning and horizon unfolding. All important spots are signposted, because the maze works quite well, you get totally lost in there without them. The only important spot not signposted is the neuron disco, which can be reached, if you run in the opposite direction of the signposts. Within the maze you find the exams I took in form of collectible neurons, each with a humorous note, though I did not have the time and/or skills to script the picking up at that point. You leave the maze through the tunnel of enlightment and step into a uncovered garden, representing the end of a journey. However int he corner of the garden there is a small chamber, similar to the one in the beginning, with some interests left undiscovered and open to be studied at HBK Essen.

As already said, the final leveldesign was way too ambtious, but the concept was pretty strong. The Player starts in the narrow Chamber of Interests, that displays the many things I loved, but barely knew something about. From there he steps into a dark tunnel, representing the unknown that comes with the choice after high school. The brain maze represents my study time. It is both a metaphor for stepping into my mind and for studying neurobiology, as this was my first degree. I took a lot of time generating walls that did not look gross but kind of cozy. The Yellow shining spots represent the working neurons within the brain tissue (and I would have loved to have them animated) and are supposed to transport the cozy feeling. The library is the highest room within the (approximately) brain-shaped maze, as a place for learning and horizon unfolding. All important spots are signposted, because the maze works quite well, you get totally lost in there without them. The only important spot not signposted is the neuron disco, which can be reached, if you run in the opposite direction of the signposts. Within the maze you find the exams I took in form of collectible neurons, each with a humorous note, though I did not have the time and/or skills to script the picking up at that point. You leave the maze through the tunnel of enlightment and step into a uncovered garden, representing the end of a journey. However int he corner of the garden there is a small chamber, similar to the one in the beginning, with some interests left undiscovered and open to be studied at HBK Essen.