

Ines Hennemann

Ines Hennemann

Covered Scents - Gameplay Trailer

Covered Scents
Gameplay Trailer

Covered Scents
Gameplay Trailer

The 2nd semester prototype was supposed to be mechanic based. The task was to create a mobile game, that incorporates a creative interpretation of a normal job. As I love 2D point-and-click adventures, I decided to create something similar for this project. The player slips into the mind palace of a blind forensic (Lemming) who is reconstructing mysterious crimes by the complex smell of the victims. The joke is, that most of the "crimes" are accidents of pretty stupid and bored Lemmings, inspired by the "Darwin-Awards". If this would have become a whole game, a moriarty-like Antagonist would probably be manipulating the poor little Lemmings to do all these stupid things.

The 2nd semester prototype was supposed to be mechanic based. The task was to create a mobile game, that incorporates a creative interpretation of a normal job. As I love 2D point-and-click adventures, I decided to create something similar for this project. The player slips into the mind palace of a blind forensic (Lemming) who is reconstructing mysterious crimes by the complex smell of the victims. The joke is, that most of the "crimes" are accidents of pretty stupid and bored Lemmings, inspired by the "Darwin-Awards". If this would have become a whole game, a moriarty-like Antagonist would probably be manipulating the poor little Lemmings to do all these stupid things.

Covered Scents - First Concepts

Covered Scents
First Concepts

Covered Scents
First Concepts

The majority of the concepts for this prototype was mechanic based. Since I am not playing mobile games too often it took me some time to translate my ideas to the medium. In the end, I decided to go for a slow paced format that leaves the player enough time to explore the surroundings and solve the riddles. I also decided to not use a rating system, eg. how close the solution is to the real solution, but to have a "right" preset and some wrong ways how to die. One part of the core Idea was, that the player would not try to survive, like in most games, but to die creatively.

Explore my game prototypes from the
first three Semesters of my Game Art and Design study at HBK Essen.
The first Semester Project was a desktop walking Simulator with autobiographical Elements. The second semester Prototype was a mobile game focussed on mechanics, scripting and animation and the third semester prototype was a VR- and a team project, where I mainly focussed on environmental Design, Worldbuilding and Concept.

Covered Scents - Character- and Leveldesigns

Covered Scents

Covered Scents

Every asset used in the game was created by me. I also created some Lemming characters, that became more or less part of the prototype. "Leeroy" our victim and therefore the player was supposed to be there with his charming friend Chad for a double date. Unluckily Chad got much more attention from the Ladie-Lemmings and therefore Leeroy got bored and started… touching things. The blind Forensic and Detechtive Cage can only be seen in the intro scene, since the whole game is happening in the forensics head as you can see in the gameplay trailer.

Every asset used in the game was created by me. I also created some Lemming characters, that became more or less part of the prototype. "Leeroy" our victim and therefore the player was supposed to be there with his charming friend Chad for a double date. Unluckily Chad got much more attention from the Ladie-Lemmings and therefore Leeroy got bored and started… touching things. The blind Forensic and Detechtive Cage can only be seen in the intro scene, since the whole game is happening in the forensics head as you can see in the gameplay trailer.

Covered Scents - Animations

Covered Scents

Covered Scents

I felt like animations were very crucial for this prototype, so I spend a lot of time animating the different characters. Since the game is supposed to make the players laugh (what it luckily does) the animations had to be a little silly. I oriented on several cartoon series while generating the characters moves. Here you can see a collage of Leeroys mood animations as an example.

I felt like animations were very crucial for this prototype, so I spend a lot of time animating the different characters. Since the game is supposed to make the players laugh (what it luckily does) the animations had to be a little silly. I oriented on several cartoon series while generating the characters moves. Here you can see a collage of Leeroys mood animations as an example.

Covered Scents - Heroic Shots

Covered Scents
Heroic shots

Covered Scents
Heroic shots

Here some heroic shots from the gameplay to talk a little more about the setting. I decided to go for a restaurant, because I wanted to create a space that was normally anticipated as safe and boring. In contrast I exagerated the amount of disaster, that is caused by the rather small actions of our poor Lemming. I would have loved to implement some more ways to die, for example being cut unluckily by annoyed crabs or being slapped by the surprisingly musculous waiter. But as always, semester ended too soon to implement everything.

Here some heroic shots from the gameplay to talk a little more about the setting. I decided to go for a restaurant, because I wanted to create a space that was normally anticipated as safe and boring. In contrast I exagerated the amount of disaster, that is caused by the rather small actions of our poor Lemming. I would have loved to implement some more ways to die, for example being cut unluckily by annoyed crabs or being slapped by the surprisingly musculous waiter. But as always, semester ended too soon to implement everything.